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Sketch of the Day 23 - Tiny Mass Destruction Lifeform

Smol Zeth0


Sketch of the Day 22 - We're Gonna be Talking about the WAH

I do find it amusing


Sketch of the Day 21 - Illusion!

Ariyakonsuay 's good boi isn't big and buff, is all floof! We have been fooled, it's just muscle shaped fur! >:O

... Actually it's nice, warm floof for big hugs :3


Sketch of the Day 20 - 𝕊𝕌𝔹𝕄𝕀𝕋

*Sickass bitcrushed fiddle solo in the distance*


Sketch of the Day 19 - Maussacre

NOW we'll see a true population bomb
(Please tell me you get the reference)


Extra Sketch of the Day - The Boys

Going to bed early, so, just in case I don't draw anything today, here, have the best thing to come out of Friday Night Funkin'


Sketch of the Day 18 - nice



Sketch of the Day 17 - Think Beyond



Sketch of the Day 16 - When in Doubt, Sword. Big Ass Sword.

Yeah, had no ideas so I did a simple Black Knight Greatsword from Dark Souls. Never use this sword, but it's still pretty awesome :3


Sketch of the Day 15 - Mixed Signals

I've been feeling ill as of late, and this is why.
Yes, brain, give me eyestrain, typically tied to using screens too much, when all I need is to eat, that's sure gonna help...
Feeling better now :P


Sketch of the Day 14 - Sum Woof Dood

#WerewolfWednesday , no ideas, sleepy, have a goofy lanker :D


Sketch of the Day 13 - Cozy

Max is the only one of the bois with a super floofy wool hoodie, and he loves it, it's his little babi :3


Sketch of the Day 12 - Admiration

"... There's just something so beautiful about it"

Whenever I think about drawing Zack, I always think about him using his fire magic. While I have tried diversifying the ideas, I wanted to strike at its roots... The beauty he sees in fire :3


Sketch of the Day 11 - The Zone

I didn't sleep last night, I was about to go to bed, I remembered I didn't draw today's sketch, I remembered I wanted to try freehanding something, did a self portrait because I found my place in life
Imma go die now :3


Sketch of the Day 10 - Royal Sword

Aegislash... Love this guy and I'm seeing if I can counter Mewtwo in Unite because this season's balance is wack so far... As usual :P


Sketch of the Day - It's DETECTIVE Gumshoe, Pal!

Veteran Detective
Dick Gumshoe
(Shiet, that would be an awesome spinoff, COME ON CAPCOM!)


Sketch of the Day 8 - TOOF

Jelletop909's wonderful toof babi: JESS


Sketch of the Day 7 - Sussee

I said I would when I was streaming with MemoryMartin and I almost forgot to draw today. Hey, at least it was the fastest drawing yet... :P


Sketch of the Day 6 - Tiiiiiiiiiiired

I just wanna go to bed ;w;


Sketch of the Day 5 - One Sided

Nick is very proficient at playing music... But is still struggling at the composition part


Sketch of the Day - An OC of Mine

Couldn't finish the sketch of the day I had in mind so... Here have one of my OCs standing there... Which one is it?... I dunno :v


Sketch of the Day 3 - Absolute Smug

"When you got a say over earth... Soil, rock, metal, crystal... It all becomes your stage"

Now this one I'm far happier with, Vincent showing off properly! :D


Sketch of the Day 2 - Smug

Vincent posing his smug ass on a stone pillar he summoned

Meh overall, but I did this one way faster and that's progress :D


Sketch of the Day 1 - Another Jason Axe Spin

Feeling this light sketching thing :3